1. Read This First:
To be considered for the GardeningPlaces.com directory:
Your web site must be a high-quality, gardening-related web site. Personal pages with a little of this and a little of that will not be accepted. Your site must be dedicated mainly to gardening or a related topic, such as agriculture or florists.
There is currently a $25 fee to be listed in GardeningPlaces.com.
GardeningPlaces.com reserves the right to choose which web sites will be included in the directory.
If your site is accepted, you will be e-mailed an Invoice for a one-time fee of $25.
At this time, payment is only accepted through PayPal.
2. Then e-mail me the following information:
Your Site's Title (up to 40 characters or several words):
Your Site's Web Address (URL):
A Brief Description of the Site: (up to 200 characters or about 40 words)
The most appropriate category: (see the links at the bottom of this page for category names)
The Name of a Contact Person:
Your E-mail Address:
There is currently a $25 fee to be listed in GardeningPlaces.com.
If your site is accepted, you will be e-mailed an Invoice for a one-time fee of $25.
3. My e-mail address: |